The illnesses and conditions caused by the neglect forced lurcher Fly to be humanely put down to end her suffering - owner David Lowe is facing a pets banWARNING SHOCKING PICTURES
These harrowing and heartbreaking RSPCA images show Fly who was starved to a skeleton by her owner.
The level of neglect was so severe in fact that a vet with 30 years of experience said he hadn't seen a dog as emaciated either DEAD or alive.

Tragically, Fly's illnesses and conditions meant she had to be humanely put to sleep to end her suffering.
But now her owner David Lowe is facing a possible ban from keeping animals as pets.
This case comes just days after Katy Gammon appeared in court charged with leaving her pet boxer to die in her kitchen.
The 27-year-old solicitor from Bristol faces the prospect of prison for the unnecessary death of five-year-old dog Roxy, who was left without food or water when she moved out.
Bolton resident Lowe, 33, of Trentham Street in Farnworth, was summonsed to appear before the town’s magistrates’ court on February 24 but failed to attend.
The case against him went ahead anyway and it was proved in his absence that he caused Fly unnecessary suffering by failing to seek veterinary attention.
A sentencing hearing at Bolton magistrates court was adjourned yesterday for pre-sentence reports to be drawn up.
Tony Stock, prosecuting, said: “This dog had suffered unnecessarily due to total neglect.”
Mr Stock said RSPCA inspector Vicki McDonald called at Lowe’s flat after a tip-off from a member of the public on October 20 last year.
Fly - who was believed to be 15-years-old - was found lying in a bed in the kitchen.

Mr Stock said: “Inspector McDonald was immediately shocked by the level of emaciation. She cautioned the defendant. He confirmed that he owned the dog.
“He said that until a couple of weeks ago his former partner had been responsible for the dog as well as him.”
The court heard she had given him money to have the dog ‘put down’, but Lowe didn’t.

Mr Stock said that after an examination, vet Angus McKenzie said Fly was the most severely emaciated dog he had seen either dead or alive in more than 30 years.
The court heard she was dehydrated and rated zero on a ‘body condition scale’ - with a rating of one being classed as emaciated.
She was also more than half the weight she should have been and was suffering from dental disease, a heart murmur and diabetes.
Fly was immediately signed over to RSPCA care but Mr Stock said that because of her ‘cumulative conditions’, the only humane course was to put her to sleep.
He added: “The sad thing about the case is that individually, the conditions were all treatable and manageable had veterinary advice been sought at an earlier stage and acted upon.”

The court heard Lowe has been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and was previously homeless. The dog, the court heard, was returned to him in a poor state.
Outside court Insp McDonald said: “No 15-year-old dog should look like that. Individually, each of her conditions could have been treated but because they were altogether, it was kinder to put her to sleep.
“Every time you come across a thin dog in this job you think it is the thinnest you have seen.
“But she was the most emaciated dog I have ever seen and the most emaciated I think I ever will see. It was hard to believe that she was still alive. It is not acceptable and it is heartbreaking.”
Lowe will be sentenced on April 16.
Source : mirror.co.uk
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